Why are pulsating magnetic fields best for equine health maintenance?
A pulsating magnetic field produces one main result: stimulating cell metabolism. This ultimately results in less muscle soreness.
How Pulsed Magnetics Works
1. Atomic excitement, stimulating the spin of the electron to store energy that could last for up to three days.
2. Molecules tend to align slightly with each magnetic pulse, making them easier to combine, especially when excited.
3. The pH goes a hundred times more alkaline, which allows better oxygen uptake, and suppresses
some harmful entities.
4. The viscosity shifts on the order of 16 fold allowing liquids to flow into cell gates or lymph to thin and flow.
5. Red blood cells separate (taking a positive charge and repel each other) in minutes, which allows more surface area to transport oxygen.
6. There is an apparent relaxing of the vascular system within minutes of completing a Magna Wave session, which drops blood pressure by twenty to thirty percent.
7. There is a systemic response to the sessions as though the body’s functions have been fine tuned or turbo charged. Because of this many problems get better, often not the targeted problem, but things not expected also improve.
8. Electroporation is the phenomena wherein the cells gates open to allow more passage of solvent H2O to dissolve waste.
9. The hardest one to accept is the cell can change some of the sodium back to potassium, which is documented in a US Army study, and this reduces pain, often fading pain away in minutes.